Courses & Indicators

Trade Map

Take your trading to the next level by mastering successful strategies and setups for all styles of trading — find what’s right for you.

Trade Map and Training for 2 weeks: $6500.00

Easily identify precise accurate setups with the right trading tools.

Trade Map and Training for 2 weeks: $6500.00

Pay $6500

Market Scanner

Want the best trades everyday? You’ll save time, energy, and frustration when you no longer have to manually search dozens of charts for trading ideas.

Market Scanner $2000

Pay $2000

Live Trading Room

Live’s Telegram group. Traders meet to get news, share views, ask questions, and exchange ideas.

Monthly subscription $300.00

Subscribe $300/mo

Trade KEY LEVELS Like A Pro

Monthly subscription $300.00

Subscribe $300/mo

2 days One-on-One Coaching

2 days One-on-One Coaching $500

Pay $500


** By purchasing the software or service you agree to the End User License Agreement and Risk Disclosure.